Monday, January 31, 2011

Easily  one of the best books i have ever read. Its everything i look for in a book, its action pack it put an image of what is going on into your head and it always make you think what is going to happen next.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hunger Games Pg. 100-138

This is easily the best part of the book so far. In the part Katiness and all the other tributes have to go in front of the Gamemakers to show there skills. When all the other tributes have gone accept the District 12 tributes Katiness was ready. When she was Showing them all her great skills she became very mad. She didn't like the way that the Gamemakers were not looking at her, instead of looking at her most of them were concentrated on a roasted pig that just came into the room. She fired an arrow and shot the apple out of the pigs mouth and walked out.She was so mad at herself . she thought that she had blown it for her and her family after she wept for a while she finally calmed down. After they announced that she got the highest score out of any of the tributes. She thought this was the best thing ever. What came next was the interviews this was a critical part for every tribute. This was a chance to win over the Gamemakers and get sponcers for the games. Cinna made the best dress for the occasion. when the time came Kat was sweating bullets. But she overcame her fear and steped up. After she got her 3 minutes it was Peetas turn. Caesar had his fun and finally came to the question is there a girl you like. Peeta said ya she didnt know who i was untill the reaping. and then also said SHE CAME HERE WITH ME!

This was the best line in the book it completely turned the whole game for everyone and i really dont know what is going to happen next.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hunger Games Pg. 75- 100

In this part of the book the reality of the games and the strategy behind them really comes out. Kat and Peeta are forced to work as a team by there coaches. Both Kat and Peeta both thought this was a bad idea because in the end they will have to kill eachother. They continue to work together threwout this part of the book. Also all the tributes are forced to train together this creates some tensions between all the districts. Peeta and Kat have a plan not to show there true talents untill they are evaluated indivdualy. So when the tributes train both of them lay low and do some of the low key stations such as camoflauge and knot tieing. Kat find out that she isnt to bad at tieng nots and Peeta is really good at making designs for camo.

In this part of the book both Peeta and Kat learn alot about eachother like how Peeta is the one who does the frosting on the cakes in the bakery and how Kat is really good at the bow every page it seems like both Kat and Peeta are getting closer and closer. I think that deep down they really like eachother but are tying not to show it because after all they have to fight to the death.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hunger Games Pg. 50-75

 At this point both of the tributes from District 12 are taken by thier given disigner. They are taken to seprate rooms to be cleaned up by several people that work with the designer. Katiness was striped from all her leg hair first then her face was trimed up all the unwanted hair was ridden from her face. Katiness didnt know what to think of all the hair was taken off her legs she thought they didnt have to do that but the makeover continued. All the tribute's from  every district has to ware somthing that goes with what thier district is all about some fishing some agriculture but for district 12 that was coal mining . Cinna was Katiness's designer he was new to the program this was his first year being a head disigner for a district. He cam up with the idea of having a fire somwere on the outfit. When both Katiness and Peeta were walking out in front of the people of the capital they went nuts. Thier outfit was the best out of all ther districts. Cinna made them hold hands when walking out into the capital when they did somthing kinda clicked. For the first time both Peeta and Katiness looked into eachothers eyes and thought WOW.

I think these pages show what is going to happen when the games start. I think that Peeta likes Kat and Kat likes Peeta but they dont want to tell eachother that.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Hunger Games pg 30- 50

Katiness volunteers for the hunger games and the second child chosen is a boy named Peeta Millark. Katiness met him before he gave her two loafs of bread when peeta's mother cought kat snooping in thier trash. Kat has a lil bit of a weekness for Peeta because this act of kindness. all the tributes are hulled onto a train to go down to the capitol for the braudcasting of the games. On the way to the capitol the tributes are given all they can eat food and drinks. Also on the way to the capitol katiness cant stop thinking about how Peeta was so nice. when they arived at the capitol they were greated by the whole city. Peeta was waving to all the people and kat notice that maby him being nice was all a plan, a plan just to get in her head and make kat think that he wouldnt kill her.

So far this book is looking really good. I cant wait untill they acually start the games. I bet when they do start the games thing are really going to pick up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Hunger Games pg. 1-30

So far in hunger games i have been introduced to a family. A girl named Katiness her little sister "Prim" and there mother. They are on the poor side and are battling starvation each and every day. Katiness's father died quite a long time ago and he mother has been in a state of depresion ever since. Since her mother was not able to take care of the family Katiness has had to take care of the family. Katiness usually hunts outside the gates of distict 12  ( the place they live) with a boy named Gale. He is very good friends with her. They work as a teem to bring food back to their familys. If they are cought in the woods they wood be killed on sight.

Every year everyone gathers in the town square for the reaping they call it. This is when all the children in the town from ages 12 to 18 are put in the middle of the square. with everyone around them . The mayor will choose the names of one child inevery age between 12 and 18. then these children will be placed in the HUNGER GAMES. This is when the children from each district fight to the death last person standing wins.

The First child to be chosen is the 12 year old and Prim was chosen. Katiness offed to take her place and she did.

I think this book so far is awsome i can't wait to see what happens next its one of those books that make u never want to put it down.